One word, Paris. What comes to mind? The first words that come into my mind are the Eiffel Tower and of course fashion. Fashion in Paris= class and elegance. What happened to class and elegance when in comes to fashion. Don't get me wrong it's still current in the fashion industry, but so many clothes these days show too much skin which makes girls come accross as 'slutty'. To tell you the truth boys prefer girls that carry themselves with class and elegance. Let me write you a situation. A girl goes to a party wearing a midriff top that shows off her bra and a really mini skirt (slutty!), she gets really drunk and falls over flashing her polka dot underwear (not only embarrasing, but boys will know you as the girl with the polkda dot underwear).
So, you can never go wrong with class and elegance. I have attached some pictures below of the fab street fashion in Paris.
This is a french blog that keeps you up to date with the latest fashion trends and shops to see and things to do in Paris. The catch is that its all in french, but no worries because there are plenty of pictures to keep you entertained.